3 ACTS : ACT 3/3

Teresa Puig and Fauve Tintigner

Galerie Salongen,
Normannsgate 24, Stavanger FREE
thursday-friday-saturday : 16.00-18.00
sunday: 14.00-18.00

Music by Cecilia Rospigliosi

Interacting with their exhibition space while simultaneously challenging conventions of public
visibility, both spatially and temporally, each painting presented by the duo continuously
shifts within their exhibition space, evolving between periods of latency and redistribution in
the room, followed by subsequent rearrangements of the paintings and other materials that
constitute them. The result is a hybrid installation, blending performative sculpture and
paintings in perpetual motion.
For the exhibition, the duo incorporates their work within a scenic timeframe. The exhibition,
as the name suggests, unfolds indeed in three acts, each initiated/opened by the intervention
of a musician playing three variations of the same musical theme.

Thursday: Act 1 Friday: Act 2 Saturday: Act 3

Welcome to your daily suprise!

Teresa Puig lives and works in Stavanger and has her studio at Tou Atelierhus.

“Teresa Puig meticulously looks and sifts, moves and mutates materials. Her quiet deliberation and stillness always characterise the images she creates, even though the appearances usually differ. […] Threads and fibres that hang with a delicately balanced sense of vertigo, quietly offering to tip us somewhere else, somewhere unknown. We are never quite sure what we are seeing, we are gently but firmly nudged and unsettled into looking, perhaps apprehensively, at what may be there, hiding in plain sight.
In her latest series of textile work, she brings the actual process of making work to the centre and the images which develop emerge as a faithful tracking of making art in all of its subtlety and complexity.”
by Alan Smith / www.alansmith-artist.com, March 2021

Fauve Tintigner is a young french artist who lives in Paris. Norway is however familiar to her as she studied in KMD, Fakultet for Kunst, Musikk og Design in Bergen in 2019, after graduating from Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts in Paris-Cergy.

“Brought up on the edge of the forest, bitten and paralyzed by a tick at a young age, her childhood imprinted on her flesh forever: Fauve Tintigner seems to have been infected by the Forest as a whole. From there, she explores in her pictorial, sound and choreography work a constant permeability between elements and bodies, waves and matter, past life and the future. This manifests itself in ethereal visions, perceptive glimpses into a quantum reality that has become tangible — to be here and elsewhere, all at once, always vibrating[…]. As a musician herself, with jazz playing an important role in her life, Fauve expands at times her pictorial work with sound
and choreographic pieces, mixing ambient music (soundscape) and recordings.” by Théodore Dumas

Fauve Tintigner will also perform during the closing concert of the festival in The thicknesses of the landscapes, a project she initiated with cellist Jakob Koranyi, violinist Sonoko Miriam Welde, pianist Frédéric Vaysse-Knitter and actress Helga Guren.